Friday, September 28, 2007

Post on posting

Busy busy busy. Not much posting. Working on a new modular glass cabinet design. Tweaking molds, engineering connections, choosing materials. Some sketches of connections between modules for your viewing pleasure.

Yes, still sketching by hand.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Guido Goes Global

Guido Sarducci is our resident goldfish. Our friend, James, (who's work I greatly admire) discovered recently the affectionate nature of Guido. James got so close to the water that Guido popped out of the water a bit and kissed him on the nose.

Guido looks pretty fabulous in the orb. The interesting thing about the optics of this aquarium is that the farther away Guido swims, the larger he gets.

Long live Guido!

Friday, September 7, 2007

Orb Aquarium

Just finished and photographed the Orb
I wanted to post this ASAP so I will add more info later.


The tank measures 26"wide 22" high and about 11" wide and It holds 5 gallons of water. We will be setting it up with a goldfish and should have the photos up tomorrow.

It is made with two pieces of 10mm starphire glass which have been kiln formed and annealed. The mating surfaces are then lapped before they are siliconed together.

If you are interested in purchasing an Orb aquarium or have any questions please email Marcus at

Check in later to see the tank set up.

Guido Sarducci the calico goldfish will be your model for the shoot.

You can't miss that.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Drive-By Topiary: The Chia Fish Edition

Another sighting of the rare giant striped coho...

The elusive punk sockeye salmon.

Okay, I can read it now: spawning traffic stay left.

Coho on a stick.

Although not strictly topiary, I had to post these. Representing the different salmon species native to British Columbia these were seen spawning on Marine drive. We had to stop illegally on the side of the highway to take these so I didn't have time to take down all the information. They were metal frames stuffed with soil and planted with some kind of two tone ground cover. Like giant chia pets.

Too Cool.